December 31, 2012

The adventure continue soon - question time!

Well after my biggest fail ever buying two game cards for Pirate101 and having $17 left over I am the most dumb person alive, I bought the two Pirate101 cards for crowns so I can unlock the Subata skyway for farming and to get the crown shop version of Kan Po, well I need to stop talking about Pirate101 sense this blog is about Wizard101.

Now about Wizard101, I am level 48 on my life wizard and I am currently in the place where they have those crystal storage, anyone know what that is called?So if you are wondering right now about how I am almost level 50 but I am at the beginning of Dragonspyre, the answer is easy, I did every side quest from Wizard City to Mooshu (well almost every side quest in mooshu, I got a dungeon one with Mossback but I don't want to go in it).I have been thinking, I barely get friends online on Wizard101 so I am wondering when I go do Mirror Lake and Ghost Avalon I will need help.

December 4, 2012


I have decided that I will start the contest early, right now as you are reading this the clock is ticking down.You got one month to participate in this contest to get your mystery pet. a Rafflecopter giveaway