July 30, 2012

Brave Hound pet - last day July 31st

If you don't already know Forbes has had a three part interview with Kingsisle.At a certain number (forget what it is) they will give away free Brave Hound pets that you can dye, we got the number and we have our Free brave Hound pet, tomorrow will be the last day for the Brave Hound pet in the spiral for now, he/she/it will probably come back in the crowns shop or somewhere in the spiral or will only appear during Pet-a-Palooza.

1 comment:

  1. yea i love the brave hound pet i sent it to my death wizard after i trained it to teen on my fire wizard! love how it can cast sprite it is really good on a myth wizard because it gives myth proof myth attack myth aaccurasy. but i am exited it gives pip o plenty! love my brave hound pet.
