January 3, 2014

An Interview With Ian Stormstaff

Its a bird!
Its a plane!
No, its Ian Stormstaff!

If you don't this evil bunny warlord already then you can check, stalk, and chat with Ian Stormstaff at @IanStormStaff on Twitter.

Cass: Where did you first here about Wizard101?

Ian: My friend bugged me all of 5th grade to try it and so I did. He stopped playing, I kept going. XD

Cass: What did you think when you first joined the game?

Ian: I was blown away by how instantly fun and intriguing it was, thinking at first that it wouldn't be this fun. It's really enthralling.

Cass: What is your greatest challenge running Wizards Unite?

Ian: Feeling like I'm actually doing a good job. Often the support I get feels obligated or superficial. I crave real support and help to bring my dreams to reality. Other than that it's a physical lack of help on the large projects I undertake.

Cass: Last question for now: would you like to say anything to people reading this and anything to Allan Ghostdust's family?

Ian: To readers, this community seems really topsy turvey, trust me I've been here two years. Focus on your friends and the game. Enjoy it, Create, explore. Grow. You won't have it forever. And there are so many wonderful experiences to gain To Allan's family. I never met Allan, I did not even know he was following me until the day he passed. But his story was a good one and Difference. You all matter so much.

You can read my post about Allan Ghostdust here and thank you Ian for taking time out of your day to do this interview.

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