September 16, 2012

Kingsisle Universe

If you go the the links page you may find something special, a link to a website called Kingsisle Universe.Now I am not forcing you to join but you can if you want it is up to your decision to choose.If you want to or already have signed up On Kingsisle Universe then continue reading.
Kingsisle Universe is like Wizard101, Pirate101 and PvP Central but is a forum for both games and other games by Kingsisle.No need to rush from the name, they asked Kingsisle to use it (I think, I don't remember) and they approved.Now to get to the forums there are different ways, way one is school down the home page.Way two is right click the page, hover over more where a list will pop up under it.There you hover over more and carefully, not fast but more your farrow from when you right clicked to the right.Finally a pop up will appear next to the first pop up (confusing but you will get it) and will say Forums, Fan Fiction, Fan Art and Videos, you should click on the first one (Forums).There it will take you to the forums, I am on Kingsisle Universe, my user name is still the same on there (Cass Lifeblossom), you can find me on the last two pages or just by finding Destiny or Evan first (leaving it up to you guys if they don't click the second link) where I will be on there friends list.Kingsisle Universe is not finished though but you can still do some stuff.


  1. Don't forget to mention its not fully released yet! ;)

    1. Oops, Updating away!Also your picture isn't showing up on my screen but it does in the followers section.

  2. Haha thanks for the KU post Cass :) It really means a lot to us knowing you guys care about it :)

    Also, could you add my blog to your blogroll please?

    -Blaze Shadowhorn
    KU Co-Founder

    1. You're Welcome Blaze and sure I will add it right away.
