September 23, 2013

Behind The Coding - Avalon


I am only looking to have these as rare once a year things on both blogs and the 2 times a year (once around start of Spring and one at the start of Fall), 1 for each game on the new blog.

Behind The Coding takes us into the concept art, what inspired it, and more; this time we are taking a walk into the forests of Avalon and up to the castle steps of the mighty castle of Avalon, and maybe some special guests giving their theories and opinions in the future.

About Avalon

Most of us don't really care about the name origin and such but this one is a usual one I would say, but it may be sad to some people.

  • It is where King Arthur was after his final defeat.
  • It is a girl's name meaning island of apples.
Did anyone even see any apples trees in Avalon because I didn't see any; lets take a look though at the first meaning of Avalon, what was Avalon in Arthurian Legend?

Isle of Apples? 

Also know, Ynys Afallon, in Welsh, Avalon is a mythical place in Arthurian Legend where Excalibur was forged and is also in date with early mystic practices such as Morgan_le_Fay. Also in the legends some men, women, and children called it Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur also which stands for Fortunate Isles, the isle was called this because they said that the isle produces all things itself, farmers are not needed with their ploughs and that all cultivation lack everything except what nature grows. With the farms Avalon grew grapes, grains, and apples trees scattered the woods of the isle.


This is as far as I have gone literately behind the coding into the name Avalon, I hope you guys like it and you are always free to ask me if you want to be one of the special guests.

Spring 2014 - Savvy Swashbucklers - Valencia
*SPECIAL* Summer 2014 - 101 Adventures and Savvy Swashbucklers - MooShu
Fall 2014 - 101 Adventures - Dragonspyre
Spring 2015 - Zafaria

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