October 28, 2013

Adventure Update & Contest

Yeah, I know, Cass hasn't been posting lately because he is testing out Khrysalis... wrong, the current answer will be being bored, hanging around on Twitter, and waiting for some dang Pirate101 game card to be released (I will talk about that on Savvy Swashbucklers).  I figured it was time for a actual adventure (gosh I haven't done one in forever) post with information about where the contest went.

Where were we last time in adventuring around the Spiral? Ahh yes here it is:

"Now about Wizard101, I am level 48 on my life wizard and I am currently in the place where they have those crystal storage, anyone know what that is called?So if you are wondering right now about how I am almost level 50 but I am at the beginning of Dragonspyre, the answer is easy, I did every side quest from Wizard City to Mooshu (well almost every side quest in mooshu, I got a dungeon one with Mossback but I don't want to go in it).I have been thinking, I barely get friends online on Wizard101 so I am wondering when I go do Mirror Lake and Ghost Avalon I will need help."

Was I that bad at making blog posts? Nevermind that, I am now level 86 on my life (Cass) in Azteca (Cloudburst Forest) waiting for the Khrysalis update to come out so Azteca will become easy (YES!) finally, I stopped doing side quests as soon as I got to Celestia and by the time I got to Lakeshore (I did half of Avalon in a day) I was exactly on the right level for the area so I will be doing it again on Kyle who happens to be my fire wizard in Krokotopia. 

Kyle is so much fun to play on, not only can I set people's hair on fire (MWHAHAHAHA!) I can also try and get some fire strategy down for PvP. Kyle is taking the same route as my life (I am never gonna call him Cass because everyone Calls me Cass) which is side quests in the Malistaire Arc but whenever I get something from Grizzlehiem, Wysteria, or Aquila (gonna farm Mount Olympus once Kyle is level 30) I do it immediately to get closer to staying ahead of the level range. That is all I think.... I feel like there is something missing though... ooh yeah.... sense Ian Stormstaff likes bunnies I like foxes so I am crossing my fingers that Kingsisle makes a fox outfit (What does the fox say?) to add later into the game (wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!) sometime in the future. 

So the contest which was formerly for Halloween is now for Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving and every other holiday in October, November, and December. I am still waiting for the standard to be released but that will probably not be soon which will mean I will have to get one Wizard101 and one Pirate101 card and I have one down below if you are to lazy to wait a few seconds for a page to load and one simple click.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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