June 21, 2012

The adventure community doesn't seem like much

Fellow wizards I have grown to see no followers except me, only two comments and a reply to one by me.I just want see a little more comments and followers here.It really makes me sad that you guys mainly read my blog posts and take the poll.I barely get time now to play W101 (Wizard101) and tell you about the weird and wacky adventures I have.


  1. It's only ironic that I comment now. I've just discovered your blog in fact, since I haven't been exploring much. I encourage you not to give up now. Seeing that you have blogged since March, it's A-O-K that you don't have as many followers as you expected. In fact, I quite like your blog! The blogosphere has many hidden gems in it - and this blog is just showing up - keep up the good work!
    If you need any help or want a banner, just contact me at destinysoultamer@gmail.com
    Keep Traveling! (thank you for putting my blog in your blogroll)

    1. Also, you might want to put up a followers widget from your Layout options - so I can follow! :-)

    2. Thanks for the encouragement, I got a few blog posts that are from april the need finishing.I had a follers widget already and I don't seem to see it now, I will look into it (you're welcome by the way).

  2. Hey,
    Keep up the good work...I have been searching for good blogs to follow and I have added yours to my feed so keep posting :)

    Shawna Halkstalker

    1. Have you shut down your blog?I tried going on your blog and it gave me the error saying it was shut down.
