June 6, 2012


So for me and three other people had a great Ravenwood Radio after party (Kyle Wildgiver, Anthony Deathbane and Duncan Lightheart) because One of there contests for pet-a-palooza wonder if they will have a   companion-a-palooza) was part of the after party and is was hide and go realm stephen hunting/seeking.Stephen was on the Torrence server  in the death tower in Nightside, when I walked in there I was surprised to see him.Then he said his congrats I said thanks, then this is a part that confused me.Cass, send an ... to the ... and let me know you were the second person to find me.So I was like what did you say Stephen?Later Anthony (Deathbane) told me that it is next to the forums page so i go on there website and pick contact then looks at guides (silly me to do that) and choose contact.To late though if you want the neewest pet probally in the crowns shop soon Stephen is already sending it to the blog email.The prize exactly Cass, well this new never before seen ingame pet is

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