December 31, 2012

The adventure continue soon - question time!

Well after my biggest fail ever buying two game cards for Pirate101 and having $17 left over I am the most dumb person alive, I bought the two Pirate101 cards for crowns so I can unlock the Subata skyway for farming and to get the crown shop version of Kan Po, well I need to stop talking about Pirate101 sense this blog is about Wizard101.

Now about Wizard101, I am level 48 on my life wizard and I am currently in the place where they have those crystal storage, anyone know what that is called?So if you are wondering right now about how I am almost level 50 but I am at the beginning of Dragonspyre, the answer is easy, I did every side quest from Wizard City to Mooshu (well almost every side quest in mooshu, I got a dungeon one with Mossback but I don't want to go in it).I have been thinking, I barely get friends online on Wizard101 so I am wondering when I go do Mirror Lake and Ghost Avalon I will need help.

December 4, 2012


I have decided that I will start the contest early, right now as you are reading this the clock is ticking down.You got one month to participate in this contest to get your mystery pet. a Rafflecopter giveaway

November 30, 2012

Why is the blog silent?

Well, I want to get my swashbuckler to level 50 after all, there are already level 50 that are on live and test realm for Pirate101.Secondly, Wizard101 is losing its fun factor when it comes to be in Dragonspyre, it is just  so sad for me to hear/read what happened to what could have been the greatest civilization ever.Until I get my pirate at that level cap, I am sorry to say this but 101 Adventures may be shut down for some time, contest posts will still appear though.I still am trying to get my life wizard to Azteca and level 90 and post those videos I make for both blogs.Until next time, see you Adventurers.

November 18, 2012

from Mooshu to Dragonspyre

First off, I smacked the faces of all the oni in Mooshu that I even took all there hard work and stuffed it into that XP bar of mine that I am now level 48 and beginning Dragonspyre.That is right, you are not reading this wrong, I am level 48 right now becoming level 49 as I adventure into the Plaza of Conquests.Now you are wondering if I will put out a future post saying that I need help with the final dungeon (Malistaire fight), I will tell you right now, look where the poll is on the left side of the page.When I get to the dungeon I will post something there that tells the time, server, and day.

The second contest

Yea yea, so I put a code, it is not a code I was hoping to put but it was a code.So yes, we will be having our second contest next year starting on the first of January, it will be a Savvy Swashbuckler and a 101 Adventures contest, I will be giving out one $10 game card (USA) that comes with the usual, but I am not telling which game card the game is for so there is a mystery pet.Now if you are wondering why the contest is in January of next year, it is because I need to get the money to get the game card, if I get more then enough money I may make it two game cards and have two winners.

November 8, 2012

Keepers Lore Pack

A new lore pack has appeared in the Crowns Shop in Wizard101, can you tell if it is a theme of a world or not?

some of the stuff that comes in Keepers Lore Pack are:

- Three new Armor Sets, including the Jade Mystery Armor Set
- Three new Banner Weapons, including the Silver Order of the Spiral Banner
- New Emberstone Tiger Pet
- New Bobbleheads
- New Spells

November 7, 2012

No more beta!

If you like leveling your pets in Wizard101 and haven't checked Kingsisle Free Games in a while then you should check NOW!They just took Grub Guardian out of beta, and best part yet, it is another Kingsisle app available in the iPhone app store, so you can take your pets with you on the go!

October 24, 2012

The spells of Azteca

Where should I start this one (that may have a post after this) about Azteca spells.Probably with the school only spells, there really close to the world theme this time around.The requirements for these seven new spells are:

ife School: To qualify for the quest "Spiny Happy People" Life Wizards must have completed "The Green Mile" quest and be Level 88 or higher.

Balance School: To qualify for the quest "Hold That Tiger" Balance Wizards must have completed "It!" quest and be Level 88 or higher.

Death School: To qualify for the quest "Avenging Assembly" Death Wizards must have completed "Bag of Bones" quest and be Level 88 or higher.

Myth School: To qualify for the quest "Mark your Calendar" Myth Wizards must have completed "Eyes of the Dragon" quest and be Level 88 or higher.

Storm School: To qualify for the quest "Storm Warning" Storm Wizards must have completed "Hearts in Atlantis" quest and be Level 88 or higher.

Ice School: To qualify for the quest "Winter is Coming" Ice Wizards must have completed "Misery" quest and be Level 88 or higher.

Fire School: To qualify for the quest "Sunny Fundays" Fire Wizards must have completed "Firestarter" quest and be Level 88 or higher.

The Astral schools are back which you learned in the last blog post that they will have new spells, and a surprise when you read about the Update of enchantments with Sun School spells.The requirements for these new Astral School spells are:

Star School
Must be minimum level 84

Must have completed the quest "Midnight Sun" in Zafaria
Must have completed the quest "King of Fang and Claw" in Azteca

Sun School
Wards, charms and heals can now be enchanted with new Sun Spells!
Must be minimum level 86
Must have completed the quest "Thorn in My Pride" in Zafaria
Must have completed the quest "Third Star on the Left" in Azteca

Moon School
Must be minimum level 88
Must have completed "Turn Up the Sun" in Azteca
Must have completed "In My Eyes" in Azteca

So save the remaining Zeke quests points you have in Wizard101 and buy as much astral spells as you can.

Archeology time!

Let me type this fast as fast as I can, Kingsisle has a new world including dinosaurs.This new world will include the battle we all been waiting for, dun dun dun... The Morganthe (present) Boss Battle with help a mysterious old friend with a staff, hint hint.
This new world, Azteca, land of the dinosaurs will include:

Level cap increased to 90.
13 new zones to explore and battle.
New Astral Spells.
Level 88 spells.
Azteca themed gear.
Azteca you have to face Morganthe, Morganthe's minions and monstrous hordes. we will face off against the Hungry Dead, Morganthe’s Umbra Legion, and the dread Comet Xibalba.The second task/purpose in this world will be helping the residents or the world.At least we can finally finish off the mystery of the Prehistoric bundle.

To find out more about Azteca you can visit at for more details on his expansion.Comment if you want to see level 88 pets and a hoard pack for Azteca.

October 22, 2012

Q&A about Kingsisle games and blogging

What will happen with the blog when all the 101 games come out?

Easy, answer to that, I will expand the blog to the new game, I will not abandon any Kingsisle game, if I do and you want me to blog for it then just email me or comment on one of the future blogs or this one.

Will the other blogs be about adventures though the games?

No, I would like to try something different in the future like Free Realms for instance I would do more guides and information about Free Realms.

Will the contests ever return to 101 Adventures?

I am currently thinking of adding the contests back (using Rafflecopter for sure), If I never turn that N/A for the game card code until December then that means contests will start up again.

Would you want someone else to run the blog with you?

The Answer is no, I am fine running the blog alone right now and will not need help unless I ask for any.

Thank you for reading this short blog post/Q&A, if you have any more questions about the blog then you may comment below and ask for you question (and answer) to be added to the post.

September 29, 2012

Halloween in Wizard City

Sense they said Pirate101 will launch in October will that mean less people in Wizard101 and more people in Pirate101?Think about it, they probably already have Skull Island set up for Halloween and none of us know, even the beta players.So what do you think, will they have Halloween decorations?And next year will they have party and Halloween decorations up or Halloween decorations after the Birthday passes for Pirate101?

September 26, 2012

Phoenix hoard pack

The flames have been fanned in the Crowns Shop for a new pack all the way from the lava of Dragonspyre.This new pack comes with:

- Gargoyle Pet
- Dragon Lance, Dragon Pike, and Dragon Spear Wands
- New Glorious Avenger Armor Gear Sets
- New Pet Snacks
- New Plants including the Boiled Peanut, the Melting Cheese Tree, the Clock Flower and Snow Apples

So adventurers get out of that summer gear and get ready for the snow of Wintertusk and the colorful leaves from the forest of Avalon.

September 24, 2012

Featured Spell of the week

That's right, spells have been added to the "Featured" part of the blog.Our first spell ever will be something what I call "simple" to learn.The last symbol of the spell description I do not get.

Google+ page
Sirens is a storm spell (duh) rank nine that you get at level 68 from doing a series of quests given by Halston Balestrom.Doing 880 damage and giving two negative charms that -50% this spell gives a good spank for PvP right after a Woolly Mammoth is cast.

September 16, 2012

Kingsisle Universe

If you go the the links page you may find something special, a link to a website called Kingsisle Universe.Now I am not forcing you to join but you can if you want it is up to your decision to choose.If you want to or already have signed up On Kingsisle Universe then continue reading.
Kingsisle Universe is like Wizard101, Pirate101 and PvP Central but is a forum for both games and other games by Kingsisle.No need to rush from the name, they asked Kingsisle to use it (I think, I don't remember) and they approved.Now to get to the forums there are different ways, way one is school down the home page.Way two is right click the page, hover over more where a list will pop up under it.There you hover over more and carefully, not fast but more your farrow from when you right clicked to the right.Finally a pop up will appear next to the first pop up (confusing but you will get it) and will say Forums, Fan Fiction, Fan Art and Videos, you should click on the first one (Forums).There it will take you to the forums, I am on Kingsisle Universe, my user name is still the same on there (Cass Lifeblossom), you can find me on the last two pages or just by finding Destiny or Evan first (leaving it up to you guys if they don't click the second link) where I will be on there friends list.Kingsisle Universe is not finished though but you can still do some stuff.

September 15, 2012

Test realm again!

Get your paper and quills ready to write all your bugs down for the latest test realm for Wizard101.This time they are keeping it a secret from us.In other news (not spoiling the adventure to find out for yourself) the stuff without secrets is another new elixir, this time it increases the number of stuff you can put.To use it simply be in the outer or inner area of the house you want to upgrade space in, buy the elixir and it upgrades it in a second.The Friend Finder code is getting am upgrade now, you can now officially use the friend finder on the test realm to have new friends you found on in there be on your friends list on Wizard101.Lastly they want you to test the gift button while on the test realm, they aren't saying why but they may just be thinking they need to upgrade it.

September 12, 2012

Wizard City book guide

NOTE - not every book will have a picture to go with it because time was put in to this guide to help you find them all.

To follow along this guide you will need the quest "Library Dues" to interact with the books.
Book one - History of Death Magic - This book is located in Stormdrain castle in the Haunted Cave, to get to the Haunted Cave you need to go to the end of Triton Avenue.You must enter the instance (and the only one) with Lord Nightshade and a Field Guard (four Field Guards if three or more wizards enter).Once inside the tower you must defeat Lord Nightshade and his Field Guard(s) to get to the book on the right side of the tower.
Book two - History of Myth Magic - Book two is at the castle of Cyclops Lane all the way at the end on the street.When you enter the castle you have to defeat General Akilles and his Cyclops Legionnaire(s) to get to the book.The book is found on the right side of the statue near a column of stone.
Book three - History of Life Magic - Book three is in Lady Blackhope's tower in Unicorn Way, like books one and two you must defeat the enemies in there.The enemies here are Lady Blackhope and a Skeletal Pirate, once you defeated them the History of Life Magic book will be on the right side of the tower.
Book four - History of Ice Magic - This book is found at the end of the street in the castle.
Book five - History of Fire Magic - located in the Theater/Castle of Firecat Alley.
Book six - History of Storm Magic - located in the tower where you fight Lord Nightshade.

September 11, 2012


Today of all days the worst thing happened.I found about this horrible thing during school, I don't remember much but all I know is that the morning school show was changed to breaking news in our area.I was devastated because my uncle worked in the first tower on the top floor.Today I honor my uncle not in wizard101 but in Minecraft.I am sorry to everyone who also lost someone they loved in there family or there friends family in the buildings on this day.

September 7, 2012

A busy blog for me!

Right now the blog is busy to me, I am doing the lets play finally (I got my camera but it only records for ten minutes so expect tons of videos for one street) and still working on the guide.Sense the lets play is already having its first three videos being uploaded I might as well tell you some stuff.

Each world = a season
each street = one episode
one episode = many parts

I will get back to the videos now, expect the scene of wizards in the fourth video to change, this blog post took that space up.

September 5, 2012

Polls broken!

I been trying to give you guys a poll for the last few days but it seems like it isn't working, so I will give it to you guys in this post.

Q - Have you gotten a Pirate101 beta key yet?If so what is your favorite part of it?

A comment will be randomly chosen and will be on the next featured.

September 3, 2012

Featured worlds of the spiral - Zafaria and Mooshu

This Featured tells something that Kingsisle missed when adding Zafaria.Just so you know, people without Google accounts you can post on the blog, comment setting are open to everyone but I have to check them first.

Google+ page
The Tree of Life in Mooshu seems to be replaced by the Zafarians from Zafaria.When they Launched Zafaria in the US they named the giant "Tree of Life" when the actual Tree of Life is in Mooshu the land of Yum Yum fruit (look at the top left corner of the picture of the two wizards picking what looks like Yum Yum Fruit).Most people have forgotten about the real Tree of Life over the years, but will they remember when Pirate101 comes out and they get to Mooshu?

Hall Monitors

I have been seeing it too, ever sense they secretly made people Hall Monitors the game has been more friendly like it should be, more kids will come join Wizard101 (and Pirate101) in the future because there friends tell them stuff about the chat system in Wizard101 and other games that Kingsisle made.There Hall Monitors are doing a good job, but I am using my imagination here (yea, I got one, so what) and I am thinking that they may rise up as Kane did after the war.But instead of hunting down pirates there will hunt down people misbehaving in chat, people will be driven to there houses, now that is something that should never happen to Wizard101 or Pirate101 when it launches.Current Hall Monitors that are not telling and people that aren't Hall Monitors, do you think that there will be Pirate101 Hall monitors?If so how many would you think there should be and when they should put them into Pirate101.My answer, simple, put them into Pirate101 when it launches and give permission to about everyone from Closed Alpha of Pirate101 and some Closed Beta testers of Pirate101.

Whoops, HI!

Sorry about the wait, Cass - I was really busy over the weekend! It's Destiny again, with a groundcover post!
Woah - look what I found! I love how KI nudges us occasionally.

Well, that's groundcover for ya!

Keep Traveling!

August 31, 2012

Gone for weekend

Adventurers I must bid a goodbye for this weekend, I am going to Big Bear with my friends for the weekend But I have a question for you.I am starting to think that the name of the blog is to big so what should a new one be?I am clueless right now but I may think about it while I am gone.

@Destiny @Evan - I will let you be an author if you want for this weekend.Please comment so I can see it and add you before I leave at 5:00 AM PST.

FIRE creates DEATH from burning LIFE

August 30, 2012

Purreau's Pet Pack

The newest pack is here with the weirdest pet ever!This hoard pack is different from the other because it is pets!This new pack comes with:

  • 12 new Pets with new talents to train for!
  • Variety of new Pet snacks
  • New seeds for gardening
  • Assortment of Pet themed housing items

ATTENTION! - This pack was took out of the pet update from yesterday for a mysterious reason, Kingisle did not giving any information about the removal in the last 24 hours of the pack.

August 29, 2012

NPC pet?

As you guys may know now from the other blogs that Kingsisle surprised us with a addition to the live realm (what was on the test realm) that includes the stuff and some new stuff a few blog posts back.There is a new pack that is strange because for this back there is a NPC (non playable character) pet!
But before we "talk" about this pack lets have a moment of silence for the temporary death of rank and PvP in Wizard101... well that was enough silence, always hated PvP, may be better in Pirate101 with companions.This pack is not out yet but includes the NPC pet, the giant ladybug (???), a knight in deathly armor, a blacksmith I think, a scorpion (should me level 88 pet for balance if "Darkmoor" gets into Wizard101), one of those trents on fire, a straw skeleton and a iguana (forgot how to spell it correcting, correct me if I am wrong).

Now something that will keep people that are going against the terms of use will be scared of, I will not put this in my own words though.

"Something we take very seriously at KingsIsle is making sure that the Spiral is a fun and appropriate place for Players of all ages.

We are expanding our current reporting tools for a select group of players who have earned the privilege of being a “Hall Monitor”. This group of players will operate anonymously and anyone claiming to be a Hall Monitor is certainly not one at all.

These Hall Monitors, who are selected by invitation only, will have the ability to take direct action when they see behavior that violates our Terms of Use. This action includes warning and muting players who circumvent our chat filters. These sanctions will be reviewed by our senior Wizards to ensure the correct action was taken, and may escalate sanctions as necessary.
Hall Monitors are not to be confused with other player initiated reporting groups and the basic reporting function will still be available to our current Members and players who have made a purchase of Crowns in the last 30 days. We will continue to be diligent to keep the Spiral a clean and safe place for all our young Wizards."

August 26, 2012

Current test realm

This is the biggest update in the Wizard101 test realm sense Avalon and I now find this out, got to get organized with all these papers with future blog posts on them!Our helpers for this post are Gus and our special guest Lord Dexter.

In this new Wizard101 test realm update people are happy, angry, sad and tons of other emotions.The reason?Because of how much it takes to get your pets XP bar in mega, I have heard 5000 XP or something in the thousands, people get so emotional some times when stuff like this happens like Avalon when it came out first week and everything there had high health.

Because of this they have added two new games!The first one is Grumpy Gobblers and it is simple as eating Glowing Dragon fruit which is disgusting.You and your pet "are" in Avalon fighting off a group of Gobblers.The Gobblers built there place out four color blocks, gray, blue, purple and red.You also have the ability for you pet to be frozen in ice, burning in fire or shocked by storm.
These balls of ice, fire and storm around your pet can't be stacked right now.If your pet while in a ice ball hits a blue block everything around it explodes in a small radius, blast radius increases on the storm ball if it hits a purple block.

The fire ball radius is right between the ice and storm ball radius, when a block is bounced, flicked or moved by the ball it counts as a point.The number of the point determines on how far it went, you can see your score in the top right corner under the number of cannon fires you have.
The next is Way of the Ninja Pig, this game is very hard for me even for shuriken, the game has a glitch for me that lets me go into the negative time and speed the giant hammers up.This game has many obstacles like the pet derby, but it is just your pet against time.
The new pet vendor inside of the Pet Pavilion sells some good stuff on the second page and bad stuff on the first for pets adult - mega.New stuff was added again in the crown shop like new Avalon housing items and new elixirs.The one people have been waiting for, a housing elixir!This first of four elixirs is permanent and increases the number of houses you can have by one.The minor potions that crafting  and pet addicts will love is the crafting elixir and hatching elixirs, the crafting elixir resets all cool down timers so you can make more stuff.The hatching elixir hatches all the pets you have that are still a egg.Purrearu's potion #9, which is the other pet potion, will reset your hatching timer and allow you to hatch two pets.
Now lets take some time off Cass and go to a random test wizard that was made for this next part.The map got an upgrade that involves quests, if you have to talk to someone and I think fight a enemy a yellow circle around the icon of the enemy and/or the person will appear and stay there until you finish the quest or get a new objective.You can see the rest of the update notes at, also a comment for the next featured is helpful.

August 24, 2012


I have been studying this and it seems you guys only commented more after I left, if I have to go to that saying that I will leave just to get comments is insane.Can you guys please write a comment, it only takes a minute, I work on the blog very much and I feel like you guys don't even want to congratulate me, just comment on a page or a blog post like the first "Featured" that I posted.

August 19, 2012

Featured world of the spiral - Celestia

Well let me introduce you to this new segment to the blog, "Featured" is a new part of the blog where you guys will be able to comment (below) on the next world, even a world you made up for the spiral (maybe including "Candyland") that you created can be featured.In the future I may open this part of the blog to other stuff like spells, creatures, pets, companions other 101 games.Our first featured world is picked by me to start this off.

Google+ page

Long ago, the Astral Wizards of Celestia created powerful magic using the energy of the Stars, the Moon, and the Sun. The sorceress Morganthe, a Queen of the Shadow Web, wanted the secrets of the Celestian magic at all costs. The Celestians Refused her, so she raised a Dark Army and sent it against Celestia. After Decades of battle, the Astral Wizards realized their world would fall. They summoned the Storm Titan to defeat Morganthe’s legions and to take their world to a place of safety.

The Storm Titan betrayed the Celestians by Sinking their world beneath the Waves along with Morganthe’s invading forces. Realizing they were Doomed, the Celestians raised mighty Domes to protect some of their treasured city from the waves, though it was too late! They Perished along with Morganthe's invading army. Celestia was lost to the Spiral, its Spiral Door closed forever.

August 14, 2012

Wizard101 PvP and ranks

For me it is "Ugh!Again I got owned by another Archmage!".That is the point, the Archmages that have been playing Wizard101 and have max rank at PvP don't let anyone else win, it is a rare chance for low and mid levels to win, also for any other level really.Sense the "masters" at PvP don't let anyone win rather then there other wizards and them self it has gotten on my nerve that I can't stand it, but when this new update comes with the new PvP areas everyone will want to do PvP until they see all the new areas.This is just a theory but I think that the "masters" will strike harder then ever when this update comes because people will be flooding into rank and practice matches.What do you guys think, comment below on what you think will happen.

Important post about contest

I know you may all be wondering why I want you to read about the contest, this will also include future contests.I haven't gotten around to getting all the prizes for the winner of the first contest yet because of me and school, and because of that I will have to temporarily shut down all future contests.A Deadly Gamer, I will try and send you everything but for now I will send you your code for your Bolt Demon pet with your membership or crowns.

August 12, 2012

I'm back

Winning wallpaper - Skull Island - suggestion by A Deadly Gamer
Well Hi guys (awkward), the title sounds like I have gone crazy, which I have.I been excited about the launch of Pirate101 closed beta, I haven't gotten it yet though.One of the more important things you guys must be waiting to know about is the winner, you guys commented on the blog post(after I left strangely, woke up to check my email and got surprised by emails about you guys commenting), our grand prize winner is A Deadly Gamer!You will be getting you prizes sometime next week, I know I may get in trouble from this by the staff(curse me, just feel like spamming what I am about to type), Kingisle Universe, I know you may have seen it on the right side of the blog at the top, it is there and is waiting for you to click on it and sign up.Our own adventurer (traveler) Destiny is staff there, this new forum is still in the works but is a good community with people all ways there for helping you out (don't check the comments on the blog post destiny put on there about Pirate101 closed beta), goodbye for now adventurers and see you where I ever go next in the Spiral.

August 1, 2012


I have decided it is time for me to leave, blogging doesn't seem to be my thing and not that many people seem to support me blogging.Goodbye the blogging community for Wizard101 and Pirate101.

July 31, 2012

Last day of contest

Today is the last day on the 1,000 page view contest, I am still looking for a winner for the Bolt Demon pet and the other codes, this contest will end tomorrow morning at 12:01 AM.Use the app below to enter in the contest and get picked to get the free Bolt Demon pet.

UPDATE - The Bolt Demon pet code expired two months ago (sorry guys) but we are throwing in crowns now too, because of this the contest will now end on the 8th of August.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

July 30, 2012

Brave Hound pet - last day July 31st

If you don't already know Forbes has had a three part interview with Kingsisle.At a certain number (forget what it is) they will give away free Brave Hound pets that you can dye, we got the number and we have our Free brave Hound pet, tomorrow will be the last day for the Brave Hound pet in the spiral for now, he/she/it will probably come back in the crowns shop or somewhere in the spiral or will only appear during Pet-a-Palooza.

July 26, 2012

Contest still on

We still have the 1,000 page view contest, you can go to the contest page now and use the Rafflecopter giveaway app, if not then you can comment below, if neither then you can contact me on Kingsisle Universe or e-mail me at, both ways count, the contest ends on August 1st and may be extended.

July 23, 2012

Zamunda! (groundcover)

Hey hey hey, it's Destiny again. Just wanted to say that I'm finally in Zafaria!

Also, check out KingsIsle Universe! Apply for staff, post on the forums, and have a good time!

Keep Traveling!

July 21, 2012

Bolt Demon pet

Seems like no one wants the pet code and the other codes, so I will randomly give the pet code to a follower.The pet code will be sent out to one of the four (not counting me) followers on August first.You can still get the other codes and this one by going to the contest page and commenting on it.

July 17, 2012

1,000 page view contest

Pick your favorite desktop wallpaper on the Pirate101 website and it may be on the blog in the future.Picture choose randomly when Wizard101 Adventures gets 1,000 pageviews, People that choose that picture will get KI free games codes and a random person (any picture) will get the Bolt Demon code.

Savvy Swashbucklers Google+ Page

Entries can be commented below or on the contests page.

Pagoda Gauntlet Bundle and surprise bundle

It's not just the Pagoda Gauntlet Bundle that is a new bundle, there is also the new Majestic Bundle that are out now at Walmart, Target and Gamestop.And we finally know why they took away one of the Strange Beast from the Hydra of the Hoard Pack.

Majestic Bundle comes with...

...Tower of Winter Winds Castle
...Arthurian Dragon Two Person Mount
...Silver Lance of Daybreak
...True Silver Armor
...Strange Beast Pet
...Caliburn Teleport Tapestry
...Additional Castle Slot Elixir
...1 Month or 5,000 Crowns

Pagoda Gaunlet Bundle comes with...

...Midnight Sun Pagoda Gauntlet
...Hankyu Bow
...Sohei Gear
...Shaolin Monkey Pet
...Run Run Rickshaw Mount
...1 Month or 5,000 Crowns

July 12, 2012


Cass here, I just wanted to tell you we are having some updates and changes made to the blog.If you notice right under the the blog title there is a new page called "How to guides", that page will show links to blog posts on how to do stuff like gardening.If you would like to recommend one you can comment on that page and me or Destiny will do that blog post and try everything we can to get info for that a the best way to do it.The other one is for anyone out there with a wizard101 blog that wants to be in the blogroll, info is on that page

FIRE creates DEATH from burning LIFE

July 8, 2012

KingsIsle Clubhouse!

Hey hey hey, it's Destiny again with another Groundcover post.

I wanted to tell you all about a new forum-based fansite that I referred Cass to. It's called KingsIsle Clubhouse, and I think that it's coming along very well.

KI Clubhouse is a forum-based fansite about KingsIsle's games Wizard101 and Pirate101. It is composed of many forums and a dedicated forum team making sure that the site stays fun to be on, but safe. This forum has had its golden ages and dark days, and the staff is determined to make this age shine brighter. All kinds of wizards and pirates post guides, advice, and their points of view in our forums. Why don't you take a look?

Keep Traveling!

July 3, 2012

the new Wizard101 Quest Helper with glitches

So you know that they had that small update with Amber, Amber Dust, Wysteria Villa and the Quest helper that came out on the 2nd this month (for some reason I got two free plants yesterday, anyone else get two plants)?Well I have found a glitch with mine when I was starting my spell quest for dryad(forgot to take a picture of it).I was getting the key to the chest (see Nature's Lock for start of the dryad spell quest) in the Alter of Kings when my quest helper stops and points forward no matter the direction with the number of steps (I think) left.We will be showing you some of the new Avalon housing items and the Wysteria Villa in the next blog post (Amber and Amber Dust not included).

June 26, 2012

A idea/found a new glitch!

Lets start with the glitch because that was before the idea.I was going to sell some stuff at the bazaar (we all like the prices there for selling stuff) when before I enter the shopping district I see this.
You really can't see the person but its the name that really sticks out.A big giant name for someones wizard frozen entering the tunnel to the shopping district with no mount.I don't know if other people saw this too.Now my idea that was never a idea, I was just modifying my study room at my sun palace when I notice that I have a Storm and Fire banner plus my Life banner and shield.So I placed them in other room then thought "maybe I can have my Sun Palace have it school themed." took only 25 minutes to make all the rooms, but now i'm out of money on my first day back to getting a chance on Wizard101.Don'tmind my friend, he just randomly teleported.


Hello! My name is Destiny Soultamer, and I'm going to help Cass out if he can't post for a long period of time, like 5 days. I'll share a bit about my adventures, to fit the theme.
This is me in the Science Center, on top of a sand dune, probably one of my favorite shots yet. I have just moved on to the Crustacean Empire.
Pirate101-wise, my friend Avery and I have started a blog:, hope you take a look!
Well, that's my first groundcover post!
Keep Traveling!

June 21, 2012

The adventure community doesn't seem like much

Fellow wizards I have grown to see no followers except me, only two comments and a reply to one by me.I just want see a little more comments and followers here.It really makes me sad that you guys mainly read my blog posts and take the poll.I barely get time now to play W101 (Wizard101) and tell you about the weird and wacky adventures I have.

June 14, 2012

Massively interview with Lead Creative Designer Sam Johnson

I did not do this interview just to tell you so this credit goes to Massively and KI (Kingsile) for doing this interveiw.

Swashbucklers, ships, and high seas hijinks: KingsIsle talks Pirate101

by Karen Bryan on May 15th 2012 6:00PM

Recently, KingsIsle announced that the world of the Spiral was going to branch out into the high seas in the studio's newest MMO, Pirate101. There are many things about Pirate101 that will feel familiar to Wizard101 fans, but the game has several features that definitely make it stand apart as more than just a sequel. Combat is not card-based; it's more like a tactical board game. Companions, rather than trading cards, play a key role in the pirate arsenal, and of course, players will be traveling (and fighting!) on their very own pirate ships.

Massively had a chance to talk with Pirate101's Lead Creative Designer Sam Johnson to hear more about what players will see from KingsIsle's upcoming MMO. So grab your cutlass, don your tricorne, and read on for more details!

Massively: First off, it sounds like the world of Pirate101 is an extension of the Spiral of Wizard101, and I noticed some familiar names like Marleybone and Grizzleheim. Could you talk about the background story a bit and the connections to Wizard101?

Sam Johnson: Pirate101 takes place in the same universe (the Spiral) that Wizard101 does, so in that sense it is indeed an extension. However, I'm a little hesitant to use the word extension as Pirate101 is truly its own game with its own unique storyline, characters, combat, etc. When we first started developing our main storyline, we proceeded from a few core assumptions: first, that the Spiral is a big, big place, and second, that much of it isn't directly touched by "the affairs of Wizards." We also assumed that the two games are happening at roughly the same time; we leave it a bit fuzzy, but everything in Wizard101 is real for the Spiral of Pirate101 and vice versa.

For our background story, we looked at the great Age of Sail (the Age of Exploration and the Napoleonic Era) for inspiration. This is a time when advances in shipbuilding and newfound knowledge have really opened up the Spiral, and ambitious nations can spread out, make a lot of money in trade, found colonies, and forge an empire. About a decade ago, there was a massive war between all the Great Powers, a conflict that shook everything up and created lots of opportunity for shady characters to get rich and famous through piracy. That war is now over, but the new peace has brought with it some unexpected consequences.

One thing I didn't see on the official site was any mention of a trading card game. Will there be anything similar to the card-based gameplay of Wizard101?

In Wizard101, the primary collection quest of the game is to gather spell cards of increasing power and add them to your magical deck. In Pirate101, players collect and train companions instead of collecting spell cards. There are hundreds of possible companions to gather.

Is character progress level-based? If so, what's the planned cap for launch?

Character progress is level-based, but players will also have to make important decisions about how to distribute training points across the wide variety of Companions they will collect in the course of their journey.

The character class choices look fun (I'm intrigued by the Witchdoctor). Will there be something similar to the Book of Secrets to help determine which class players select? Also, it sounds like each class has its own unique storyline. Can you explain how that will work in game?

Our game begins with the character being rescued from the brig of an Armada prison barge. His or her rescuer asks three questions: what happened to your parents, where were you raised, and what crime did the Armada lock you up for? These answers ultimately determine a player's class and influence which Companions he or she will acquire down the line.

Pirate101 is built around one core storyline; all players will be taking part in the same "main quest." That said, there is a lot of class-specific content in Pirate101. Taking a page from Wizard101, we have trainer quests and special missions that only members of a given class can undertake. The other class-based content arises from Companions. Just as Companions are central to Pirate101's combat system, they also drive a lot of stories. We divide the Companions into tiers or grades: There's a group of "A list" companions, ones that get lots of dialogue during play. Like all Companions, these can be upgraded, but players can only upgrade A List Companions through quests. These "promotion quests" are some of the longest, richest, and most involved in the entire game.

The flying ships look impressive in the trailer. How will players be able to get a ship in game, and what sorts of things will players be able to do with them? Will players be able to ride each other's ships?

Players gain their first ships by progressing through the storyline of Pirate101. More powerful ships will become available as players grow in power.

Companions seem to have a major role in the game, particularly when it comes to combat. How do players get companions in game, and is there a limit to how many a player can have?

There are going to be multiple ways to acquire Companions. Many Companions are granted during play, usually as a quest reward. Ultimately, a player's roster of Companions is finite but pretty respectable in size. Keep in mind that the number of Companions that appear in any given fight is very limited. Managing one's army to ensure the best mix of Companions is Pirate101's equivalent of deck-building.

It sounds like Companions can be trained and promoted. How does that work, and will you be able to train and promote more than one Companion?

You can measure a Companion's power two different ways in Pirate101: by level (just like PCs, every Companion has a level), and by tier. Most companions can upgrade, changing their appearance and gaining new abilities as they move into higher tiers. So Companions can be both trained (to increase their level) and upgraded (to shift to a new tier).

Players train Companions by spending Command Points, gained through playing Jobs (what we call side quests). Spending these points to keep as many Companions as close to the player's level as possible is an essential part of Companion management.

Combat looks to be different from that of Wizard101, and it looks like there's more strategy involved. What made you decide to create a new system for Pirate101, and how does it work in general?

In Wizard, combat is based on dueling circles and spell cards. Essentially, Wizards are playing an elaborate card game. In Pirate101, combat takes place on a battle board, in a form that is similar to a tactical board game. While initial battles in Pirate101 are straightforward, additional strategy and planning are required as players gain more abilities and enemies become more formidable.

Are the subscription plans the same as they are in Wizard101? Will families with active accounts be able to use those to play Pirate101?

The subscription plans will be the same in Pirate as they are in Wizard101. One cool new twist is that players who want to play both games will be eligible for discounted membership rates.

What do you feel are the most important lessons you learned from the development of Wizard101, and how did they influence the design of Pirate101?

From a purely story standpoint, we learned that humor works, that a light, welcoming tone is absolutely critical, and that the right kind of humor can create experiences that resonate with both kids and adults. We also learned that "side quest" content must be clearly distinguishable from the Main Story; players must always be able to easily tell what they have to do next and not fear that every little quest they find is required to finish the big story.

When might players who have signed up on the site expect to see closed beta begin? Do you have a timetable for the official launch?

The only thing we've said so far is that we plan to launch Pirate101 this year. Stay tuned for more information!

Thanks to Lead Creative Designer Sam Johnson for taking the time to speak with Massively! You can follow the latest on Pirate101 and sign up for beta at the official site.
In follow up I'm sorry for any mishap with the WCA, I got confused with the dates.

June 6, 2012


So for me and three other people had a great Ravenwood Radio after party (Kyle Wildgiver, Anthony Deathbane and Duncan Lightheart) because One of there contests for pet-a-palooza wonder if they will have a   companion-a-palooza) was part of the after party and is was hide and go realm stephen hunting/seeking.Stephen was on the Torrence server  in the death tower in Nightside, when I walked in there I was surprised to see him.Then he said his congrats I said thanks, then this is a part that confused me.Cass, send an ... to the ... and let me know you were the second person to find me.So I was like what did you say Stephen?Later Anthony (Deathbane) told me that it is next to the forums page so i go on there website and pick contact then looks at guides (silly me to do that) and choose contact.To late though if you want the neewest pet probally in the crowns shop soon Stephen is already sending it to the blog email.The prize exactly Cass, well this new never before seen ingame pet is

June 5, 2012

Sir Grizzleheim and the glitchness

Yea you can tell that it is just glitches in Grizzlehiem.I am in this side world because I recently got to level 35 and I haven't been there in a long time.So i tried getting the quest last night (American Wizard101, PST) and i go strolling so happy though Wizard City then going to Olde Town and seeing no "!" with the sigal sign under the bear (totally forget the name).I had a sad look on my face in real life so maybe you saw me then teleport away to my house to go to Grizzelhiem to get to the area needed.So lets get on with the first picture I took.
It shows me at Drek's Cave In Vigrid Roughland (comment if it is right and I will take this part away once I correct it).Aren't all sigals supposed to have a light on them when you can use them?Well this was for my quest and it didn't show the glow and fancy detail, I could still enter though it is strange.
This next one is in the same area/street.Now look closely at this picture and you see and notice my health and there health aren't exactly in the circle, a little bit out of the circle.I also have another glitch that I will talk about in the season premire of my lets play at the end (need to get a camra because I got a livestream set up for it).

May 27, 2012

Party at Ravenwood

Ahh... the time of year I never knew of in all my years of W101.THERE IS A WIZARD CITY AWARDS AND A RAVENWOOD PROM!It's ok just a show at 6:00 and a prom at 8:00... kinda bad because that isn't my time zone, I will or won't be there, and everyone else I don't know if they will come, I found this out from Travels of the Thaumaturge so thank oh MIGHTY Friendly for adding her and my blog to your blogger club.Anyways I will be there is some Marleybone clothing with that hat that I think is impossible but could be possible with the mask.Colors easy, Green and Brown and also easy not to notice if a barf fiesta goes on but they never added a barf e-mote or real barf that I have never noticed.My date though... I also don't know but it could be one of the girls.Rather than that I hope you have a fun time, and see ya there the day after the latest episode of Ravenwood Radio.Voting is also going on at this website --->

Gardening guide to plants

Elder plants have no needs or pests, same as seeds/babys/seedlings.Young has needs and are a small version of the mature plants.Mature plants are everyday plants in W101 (Wizard101) with a harvest time.Once the plant is mature you can harvest it until it becomes a elder where you can harvest it only one time then they die.
Dandelions use water and pollination only.If more than six plants need the same kind for example you got nine Green Bell Peppers  that all need sunlight, you use the rank three spell for sunlight.To know when to use the spells for there needs it will have icons over the plant.Another way to do this is to move your "wand" over the plant and a ingame window will pop up giving the stats (harvest time, needs, pests, likes, dislikes, and progress to <next level>).If it has no icon or say anything then you don't have to waist your pet/gardening (yellow greenish liquid in a glass orb) on the plant.
In gardening there are ranks, with those ranks you can buy better seeds and spells.Rank one is small rewards and a easy challenge, easy to grow and less GXP (Gardening XP).Rank two is a little harder to grow and better GXP, they can be bought from the crown shop or you can farm them from bosses in Krokotopia.Rank three still an easy challenge but tougher to grow with decent rewards.Rank four is a medium challenge with more GXP, but some rank four plants are a hard challenge like the Trumpet Vine so be prepared, also in them medium challenge rank four harvest rewards are snacks.Rank five is a little harder challenge with better harvests.Rank six and seven give much GXP with the plants being a hard challenge with great rewards.The harder your rank and the spell, the higher the level the pests get (rank four pests is max pest levels).
Each mature plant has a harvest time (# hours: # minutes: # seconds).If you move your "wand" over the plant it will show the time, if it has needs take care of them, if not then your plant should be dancing with a green light around the bottom of it.Leaving your plant waiting to be harvested for a long period of time will attract pests.To harvest click the plant or push down the X button.The rewards are GXP, seeds, reagents, pet snacks and gold.